Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Messy, slobbery kisses may be a slight nuisance if you're trying to concentrate on your nighttime reading, but what they signify usually makes up for whatever slight frustration you experience. By licking you, your pooch is telling you that he loves you and loves being around you.

Dogs occasionally display their affectionate feelings toward human beings by lightly pressing against them with their noses. Not only can it be an indication of affection, it can be a request for it, too. If your cutie wants you to drop everything you're doing so you can snuggle up to him and pet him on the back, don't be offended -- it just means he loves you so.

If your dog sees you and his tail immediately starts wagging in wide and sweeping motions, then he indeed likes and loves you. The mere sight of you prompts his furry tail to go to its happy place. Not only does tail wagging show love and affection, it also signifies the utmost esteem.

Rolling all over the floor is also a classic sign of doggie affection. If your dog can't wait to plop down onto his back and roll around whenever you're near, it not only means that he genuinely loves you, but that he probably wants you to rub his belly, too -- aww.

Happy and joyous dogs who are in their element frequently show it by sighing. Although sighing in humans often points to frustration, the sound is decidedly different in the doggie world. If you gently pet your dog's back and he sighs as you do so, it means he's reveling in it all -- and in your presence, too. It's common for dogs to sigh as good things draw to an end, as well.

Being Loyal to You

Sunday, July 26, 2015

40 Ways to Use Your FoodSaver

1. Seal cheese to last longer in the fridge
2. Vacuum seal treats to send overseas to military/missionary family members
3. Preserve leftovers for freezer meals
4. Buy bulk meats and split into single recipe portions in freezer bags
5. Store toiletries and sanitary supplies compacted
6. Vacuum seal ammunition
7. Vacuum seal photos to preserve them and keep dry in a disaster
8. Vacuum seal important documents for preservation
9. Seal jump drives in 72 hour kits
10. Seal chocolate for long term food storage
11. Create homemade ice packs
12. Reseal chip bags
13. Waterproofing matches
14. Freeze fruits and vegetables in bags
15. Seal any leftovers in the deli containers to last longer in the fridge
16. Seal partially used vegetables to avoid them going rotten before using
17. Seal grains and store in the freezer to extend shelf life
18. Recork bottles of wine
19. Seal bags of snacks/treats for road trips
20. Seal shredded zucchini to use in stews/breads/etc.
21. Trail mix packets for camping
22. Homemade emergency MRE’s
23. Seal cereal to extend shelf life
24. Seal spare clothes for 72 hour kits in large bags to conserve space
25. Seal spare bedding in large bags
26. Seal off-season clothes in large bags
27. Seal turkey leftovers for different meals after Thanksgiving
28. Freeze homemade soups, then vacuum seal them
29. Freeze bread loaves
Using the Foodsaver Jar Attachment
30. Seal bulk spices in jars
31. Seal salads in quart jars to make them last longer
32. Reseal foods from opened #10 cans into mason jars
33. Dehydrate fruits and seal them in jars
34. Seal nuts in jars
35. Seal seeds in jars
36. Seal chocolate chips in jars
37. Seal pet food in mason jars to keep it fresher
38. Store rice and beans sealed in jars
39. Seal crackers in jars
40. Meals in a jar!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

CAN DOGS LOVE? Brain Scans Reveal What Dogs Really Think of Us

Well to answer this question I guess we need to start by defining love.  If we look at iT as never ending forgiveness,  complete loyalty,   Always wanting to be with you,  Doing any thing for you is a given,
A look in  the eye tells it all.  There to cheer you up when your sad.   Some how knows when you don't feel good.   Always so happy to see you when you have been apart.  

 If you say yes to the above,   I would say dogs can and do love!!!  


The most direct dog brain-based evidence that they are hopelessly devoted to humans comes from a recentneuroimaging study about odor processing in the dog brain.   Animal cognition scientists at Emory University trained dogs to lie still in an MRI machine and used fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) to measure their neural responses to the smell of people and dogs, both familiar and unknown. Because dogs navigate the world through their noses, the way they process smell offers a lot of potential insight into social behavior.

The scientists found that dog owners' aroma actually sparked activation in the "reward center" of their brains, called the caudate nucleus. Of all the wafting smells to take in, dogs actually prioritized the hint of humans over anything or anyone else.Among other surprising findings, the study revealed marked similarities in the way dog and human brains process emotionally laden vocal sounds. Researchers found that happy sounds in particular light up the auditory cortex in both species. This commonality speaks to the uniquely strong communication system underlying the dog-human bond 

Among other surprising findings, the study revealed marked similarities in the way dog and human brains process emotionally laden vocal sounds. Researchers found that happy sounds in particular light up the auditory cortex in both species. This commonality speaks to the uniquely strong communication system underlying the dog-human bond.